Mereka "Number One For Me"

Selalunya , kalau saya tak blogwalking atau update blog. Saya akan "merayau" dekat youtube. Dan saya mencari lagu Number One For Me oleh Maher Zain. Saya dah jatuh suka dengan lagu tu sejak tengok video yang Dena buat untuk her mother.

First time dengar je , terus suka. So , cari dekat google and saya jumpa. Dengar , dengar dan dengar. Lepas tu , saya cuba jugak cari yang lyric on screen. Boleh ikut perasan nyanyi sama.

Masa kita kecik , kita tak sedar yang kita sebenarnya dah banyak lukakan hati ibu dengan ayah kita. Kita buat mereka menangis , kita buat mereka kecewa.

Bila dah meningkat remaja , kita mula bergaul dengan kawan-kawan. Nasib kita bila cepat terpengaruh dengan kawan. Buat perkara-perkara tak elok. Ayah yang tanggung dosa kita.

Jadi , bila masa kita nak buat ibu dengan ayah tersenyum dan bahagia? Mana mungkin lepas kahwin. Sebab masa tu kita dah ada tanggungjawab lain. Masa yang ada ni lah untuk kita buat ibu dengan ayah kita bahagia.

Tu kalau sempat. Kalau tak sempat? Menangis airmata darah sekalipun , takkan dapat membawa mereka ke dunia semula. Sekali sekala , renunglah muka ibu dengan ayah kita. Bayangkan , dah berapa banyak kesakitan yang mereka dah tanggung untuk kita?

Tu baru sorang anak? Anak yang lain-lain?

Pasal video ni. Saya dengar intro je pun dah suka. Apalagi bila Maher Zain dah start nyanyi. Meh tengok video nya. Takde lyric on screen. So , saya bagi lirik bawah video ajelah ye. Ohye , kalau nak tengok terjemahan lagu ni dalam bahasa Melayu. Dekat video tu , klik CC dan pilih Malay. Boleh menghayat lebih sikit.

i was a foolish little child
crazy things i used to do
and all the pain i put you through
mama now i'm here for you

for all the times i made you cry
the days i told you lies
now it's time for you to rise
for all the things you sacrificed

oh, if i could turn back time rewind
if i could make it undone
i swear that i would
i would make it up to you

mum i'm all grown up now
it's a brand new day
i'd like to put a smile on your face every day
mum i'm all grown up now
and it's not too late
i'd like to put a smile on your face every day

and now i finally understand
your famous line
about the day i'd face in time
'cause now i've got a child of mine

and even though i was so bad
i've learned so much from you
now i'm trying to do it too
love my kid the way you do

oh, if i could turn back time rewind
if i could make it undone
i swear that i would
i would make it up to you

oh, if i could turn back time rewind
if i could make it undone
i swear that i would
i would make it up to you

mum i'm all grown up now
it's a brand new day
i'd like to put a smile on your face every day
mum i'm all grown up now
and it's not too late
i'd like to put a smile on your face every day
[ From: ]

you know you are the number one for me
you know you are the number one for me
you know you are the number one for me
oh, oh, number one for me

you know you are the number one for me
you know you are the number one for me
you know you are the number one for me
oh, oh, number one for me

there's no one in this world that can take your place
oh, i'm sorry for ever taking you for granted, ooh
i will use every chance i get
to make you smile, whenever i'm around you
now i will try to love you like you love me
only god knows how much you mean to me

oh, if i could turn back time rewind
if i could make it undone
i swear that i would
i would make it up to you

mum i'm all grown up now
it's a brand new day
i'd like to put a smile on your face every day
mum i'm all grown up now
and it's not too late
i'd like to put a smile on your face every day

mum i'm all grown up now
it's a brand new day
i'd like to put a smile on your face every day
mum i'm all grown up now
and it's not too late
i'd like to put a smile on your face every day

the number one for me
the number one for me
the number one for me
oh, oh, number one for me

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Click here for Comments
May 11, 2012 at 12:53 AM ×

First time dengar lagu dia kat konsert mania, dalam tv la :p
masa tu mcm tak berapa 'masuk' lagi... tp berkali-kali dengar... sedap jugak lagu ni... yg penting maknanya kan ;)

May 11, 2012 at 12:54 AM ×

Suka dengar lagu ini. Khas buat Ibu kita :)

May 11, 2012 at 1:42 AM ×

jarang dgr lagu best gak la hehe

May 11, 2012 at 2:34 AM ×

sampai dah hafal lirik dah dengar lagu ni byk kali, hehe

May 11, 2012 at 5:59 PM ×

lagu lagu maher zain memang deep..
